
Saturday, December 17, 2011

IRIS (Larkspur Seed Give-Away Winners)

This is our first time growing iris and we were so excited to see them blooming last spring. Thanks to Berry Gnome for sharing with us so many iris rhizomes last fall. Even my mama got to bring some iris rhizomes back to Malaysia. My mama iris did grow very well but unfortunately papa mowed them through when he was mowing the lawn. So I thought of sharing our iris bloom with her for her belated birthday.
I really like this iris colour.
Brighten up this veggie patch when there were only tiny veggie seedlings.
Yellow coloured iris blooming together with gazania.
Visit Ewa for Flowers on Saturday.
We did a larkspur seeds give-away a few days ago.
Our boys pick the winners with the old fashion way of writing names on the paper, roll paper, shake rolled paper and randomly pick the rolled the winners are:
Hope the winners can email us your mailing address so we can post the seeds (
Have a great weekend.
We are having a few showers this weekend which made our plants happy.


  1. yeah yeah!!!Terima kasih boys:)tak sangka pulak akan dapat biji benih lagi:)muaah....agaknya di keliling rumah Diana ni tiada ruang kosong ya.Semua digunakan secara maksima..Terima kasih Diana:)

  2. I planted some irises too but out our six or seven colours only one survived but that sent out lots of rhizomes. It is a very dark purple.

  3. Your blooms are lovely. Iris is one of my favorites.

    First thank you so much on the giveaway. As much as I love Larkspur, I am no longer planting any perennials. I am changing most of mine over little by little to flowering shrubs. It's getting to difficult for me to handle all the care of the perennials. This is a hard one to not take too. LOL You are such a sweetheart to think of other people.

  4. Thank you so much! We can't wait to get them planted and see them grow. They are such beautiful flowers!

    Jody Morris
    2561 Spring Road
    Carlisle, PA

  5. Your irises are beautiful. Tak tahu pulak boleh tanam kat sini. Kesian kena lawn mowed.

  6. Wow, what a gorgeous color for an iris flower !!! The second picture is just perfect ... Have a nice sunday, Diana !

  7. Hi Diane just planted out the sweetpea plants.
    The stocks are all growing well I have enough for a plant giveaway.

  8. I love that new photo of the ladybird in your heading - at least I think it is new, or I haven't noticed it before. Irises are amazing flowers, and I discovered there are lots of people around the world quite addicted to breeding them. And thanks for the salmon patty recipe.

  9. Beautiful flowers! Congrats to the winner.

  10. That is a gorgeous iris color. Beautiful photos, thanks for sharing.

  11. Omg...thanks,boys! N of course,thanks to u too,MK. Girl.....didnt expect to win those seeds...this is so cool! ;-)

  12. Those are pretty Iris! They hav very beautiful colours! Poor you mama! Hope she can grow agin next time!

  13. MKG dear,
    We have difficulty commenting with the tablet, can only do so with a proper lappy....sigh....anyway, your irises make me miss the land Down Under so much....There's a patch of blue iris at Nana's home in Sydney.... purrr...meow!

  14. 1st time tgk pokok iris.... cam nak nyanyi lagu awie jek

  15. Makcikmanggis~Adalah tempat kosong sikit tapi musim panas ni terpaksa tinggalkan. Sebab tempat tu macam gurun panas sangat. Kesian tengok pokok daunnya kena bakar je.

    Sue~Lots of rhizomes which mean you will have more blooms to look forward too next season. The purple one did not bloom for us this year. Although they did grow some leaves.Hopefully next year.

    Cher~Oh you can give the seeds to your neighbours. We are also trying to grow more perennials nowadays as vegetables need more to look after. But the self-sowed annuals are getting more reliable on showing themselves nowadays.

    Jody~ Thanks for the address. I have posted those seeds already. Hope you have many larkspur blooms next year.

    Sean L~Tulah tukang potong rumput kepenatan agaknya tak perasan.

    Ewa~They cheer up the garden when other plants still small and not producing yet.

    Dani~I have been mixing flower and vegetables growing together. Just to make it more fun.

    Rainfield61~ It is also a nice Japanese name 'AYAME' for iris.

    Cathy~I am glad that the stock seeds germinated very good for you.

    Catmint~Hope you enjoy the salmon patty recipe. I used to enjoy looking at iris in Japan where they grow them in swampy area. They usually bloom May-June there.

    Sonia~Wish that they bloom longer though.

    Norma~Our favourite colour too.

    HangKebon~The seeds are probably on the way to your place now. Hope you get them soon.

    Malar~Her iris is growing back again. Hopefully it will bloom for her.

    Cat-from-Sydney~Nanti boleh jalan-jalan ke down under lagi.

    My name is~ Lagu awie yang baru-baru tak berapa menahu. Nyanyi buat menghibur hati eloklah tu.
