
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Early Autumn Fresh Veggies Picking

What's available in March for the kitchen from Kebun (garden) Malay-Kadazan Girls?
Not much but these are some that filled our tummy this month.
I lost my patience with the mice because they were digging holes in the newly prepared containers. So I cleared one of the sweet potato container so they don' have much place to hide and I don't think I will get any decent size of tubers because the mice were eating them as well. As I thought many of the tubers were badly eaten and thrown them in the compost. Tubers that were not touch were growing under the container  in the ground soil. It is still early to harvest them. Since I cleared this one container, the digging has lessen so I am leaving the rest of sweet potatoes to grow.

Sweet potato new vein shoots.

Baby beets, beans, carrots and pak chois.
I need to remember to sow some beans or peas this weekend.

Harvested several cucumber this month but did not took photos of it because we were too excited and sliced quickly for meals. I pull out a chard grown from last fall in shade. It took a long time to grow but good emergency food. Rather than leaving the shade unproductive, sometime we grow excess seedlings there.  In summer, did not received direct light from the sun but still have indirect light for its growth.

Onions are still in curing stage but we been taking some for cooking.

This basket feels closer to home~brinjal (eggplants/aubergine), lady's fingers (okra), bitter gourd, angled luffa and beans.

Kangkung (water spinach) loves the March weather. They have quick growth after we cut them. We have at least one bunch of kangkung to harvest each week for this month. Its been a long time since we had dragon carrot harvest and finally a few made an appearance in the kitchen.


  1. You have some beautiful and varied produce, with gorgeous photography!

  2. blog ini telah memberi inspirasi kpd saya utk berkebun juga :)

  3. seronoknya... ini baru betul 'makan apa yang ditanam'...

  4. Your harvest are so colorful! You have such great variety. Sorry about the mice.

  5. Great harvest, such a big variety. This time of the year in my area all we can expect is a few carrots and salad greens so I'm very jealous.

  6. what a gorgeous rainbow of food in your basket. Autumn is a great time in the vegie patch!

  7. Another week of really interesting and abundant harvests from your garden. Those young beets look very yummy!

    Has your temperatures cooled down considerably now or are you still quite warm?

  8. Sayang keledek tu kena makan tikus. No way to rat proof the planter? Nanti anak Diana kena nyanyi 'Three blind mice' pulak, hehe. The petola and peria looks lovely.

  9. So colourful harvest!
    I hate pest! Hope the mice leave your garden soon! ;)

  10. lucky you, everything looks beautiful! sorry about the mice, what a bummer

  11. How are you? Those red chillies are amazing! One of those is more than enough for me ;-) Great to see the colourful veges you have harvested. Have a great week!

  12. What a lovely harvest; do you eat the sweet potato vines? I've heard you can but haven't tried them; maybe this year.

  13. Seronoknya...makan hasil tanaman sendiri..I semalam harvest kat pasar Bukit Besar hehe..but I love it here in Terengganu byk sayur2 kampung!

  14. Mice are so annoying! What are you going to do with sweet potato vines - mine are taking over the garden so some cooking tips woudl be much appreciated.

  15. Beautiful harvests. It is too bad about the mice. I don't have mice here, but I do have cats. Lots of cats. I planted my onions and they dug some up. I've now covered the bed. At least the cats don't eat anything. I'm not fond of their gifts though.

  16. You are a great gardener, Diana ! Beautiful harvest !

  17. i always love seeing your bok choi, they are so fresh looking and fat!! looks like you'll be eating a lot of kangkung this month. how abt putting rat traps?

  18. MKG dear,
    Pucuk keledek goreng belacan would be soooo yummm....I think Mama will go to the grocery shop after work and hopefully get some there.... am salivating already. Ahhh...mice problem? The solution is....a cat!!!! I can snail mail Brad and Seb to you. purrr....meow!

  19. Isn't it a shame about the mice! Hope you manage to get rid of them. You've some super harvests and I like your framed photos, they look really nice.

  20. I am always amazed at the variety of things you are able to grow in your garden. It is too bad that the mice got to your sweet potatoes, although you still seem to have come away with a nice harvest.
    P.S.The seeds just arrived. Thanks so much!! Now, I must get my little parcel off to you.

  21. Daffodil~Thanks. Hopefully with the cooler weather some of our peppers will bear edible fruits.

    Rainfield61~I always admire your photography and your trips to Ceruk Tokun.

    Marinahunny~Sama-sama kita berkebun dan bertukar nota ya.

    EjaMaria~Syukur alhamdulillah ada rezeki dari taman sendiri.

    Gardener on Sherlock Street~The mice problem been reduce and we have our neighbour cat that comes occasionally for patrol.

    Stoney Acres~Soon you have many variety to harvest than us here in the southern hemisphere. You probably busy with planting now.

    Kirsty~Yes, autumn is definitely like second spring here. The plants does much better in autumn and it is such as busy time for gardeners in this party of the year.

    KitsapFG~I am thinking of growing more beets for juice this fall. Yes the temperatures has cooled down. It still a bit like summer weather so the plants have a chance to give more produce yet.

  22. Sean L~The tikus so tiny. They got rounded big ears and brown coloured- furs.

    Malar~They probably stay until we harvest those sweet potatoes. They like the sheltered environment there. Its still a bit early for us to harvest tubers.

    Jennie~Well some obstacles always in the way in the gardening. Part of the adventure I reckon.

    Stephanie~The autumn weather are much kinder for the plants at the moment. Hope we get more chillies before the weather cools down considerably.

    Mary Hysong~We do sometime eat the sweet potato veins when we don;t have much to harvest from the garden. Pumpkin and cucumber veins/ young shoots are edible as well.

    TK~Mesti banyak pilihan sayur-sayuran kat sana. Sini ikut season je.

    Liz~The easiest way to enjoy the sweet potato veins are by stir-fry with sliced garlic and ginger. I have only posted one recipe of using sweet potato veins in my recipe tab. The traditional way sometime to enjoy it is by yellow curry~ coconut milk, turmeric, shallot, garlic, ect.

    Daphne~I wonder why the cats seems to chose onions to dig up.Ah yes sometime we also have the cats gifts too.

    Dani~Thanks Dani. Just lucky still lot to learn.

    Lena~Because of the kids we avoid putting rat traps. The kids knows plenty of mischief. Enjoying the kangkung while it last at the moment. The malas part is to toast belacan.

    Cat-from-Sydney~Tom owner seems away and he frequents the garden now. Lapar agaknya. Nampak Tom tangkap tikus kat garden kami dah banyak kali dah. Oh hari tu ada masak pucuk keledek goreng belacan.

    Kellie~Thanks Kellie thought of changing some style once in a while to make it more fun.

    Jennifer~I am happy to hear that the seeds arrived safely.
