
Sunday, March 25, 2012

First Quarter 2012 Harvested Seeds (Jual-jual benih)

The first 3 months of year 2012, we did managed to harvest some seeds for future planting. Collecting our own seeds has able us to buy different variety of seeds and each year we have chance to add new varieties in the garden. For example, for peppers the first year we only have one variety and the second year we have 3-4 varieties growing, then the 3rd year maybe 7-8 varieties. The number of pepper varieties in our collection each year keep adding up. Its fun to harvest these different variety of fruit from the same family growing with different shape, colour and flavour.
Like human, seeds need to adapt to a new environment as well. The process of saving seeds with each new generation will make the variety or genetic strain you are growing more and more suitable and easier to grow in your garden. When I bought seeds, some seeds can be a challenge to germinate it. But when I collect the seeds later generation after generation, the seeds germination rate gets better and better while the plants become hardier in our own garden environment. 
We collected some 'Clemson spineless' okra seeds this month. It was main priority in the seed list to stock up because I finished the seeds last year. Lucky we managed to stock up more this year than last year.

From the capsicum family, so far we managed to save sweet cherrytime and banana capsicum seeds. The other varieties has just started to bloom and fruit. Hopefully, I will remember to save some seeds for the other type.

Our new collection of sunflower seed this year ~ Giant Russian Sunflower.

This is the first time we are collecting Rainbow Chard seeds.
At the moment many volunteers are popping out.
We probably don't need to sow the seeds, they did the job for us voluntarily.
All we need to do is transplanting.
For fun I did sow some of them, and germination was fast.

Several tomato seeds varieties has also been safely collected. For example, yellow pear cherry tomato, tigerella tomato and joy's yellow cherry. But I have not achieved my target for them yet. 

We also have new pumpkin/squash seeds variety in our home-grown seeds collection like Thelma Sanders Sweet Potato Pumpkin. 

We grow bush bean 'Redland Pioneer' for two years already, but this is the first time we collected the seeds. This bean suits really well in our garden, a reliable crop. We usually planted them in Spring and Autumn to fill in the gap as they produce really fast.

What seeds have you been collecting recently?

Saya telah menerima banyak perminataan semenjak saya menulis blog ini mengenai benih-benih yang saya kumpul seperti adakah boleh saya menjual benih-benih ini. Saya minta maaf kadang-kadang tidak dapat memenuhi permintaan atas kesibukan atau bilangan benih yang saya kumpul kekadang terhad untuk keperluan sendiri. Tetapi mulai minggu ini sampai hujung bulan ini sahaja saya akan cuba membuat senarai benih-benih apa yang boleh saya jual di ebay tanahairku jika ada luangan masa. Sebagai penjual di laman itu, saya pakai nama penjual tukangkebunkmg (link disertakan) kepada siapa yang sudi melawat laman tersebut. Saya juga ada sertakan barangan keperluan bayi atau ibu mengandung. Setiap pembeli akan menerima percuma 10 biji mammoth hybrid sunflower apabila meninggalkan mesej nama blog kami 'Kebun Malay-Kadazan Girl'.

Have a lovely weekend!


  1. What a surprise to find "jual-jual benih" in the title.

    Which is explained by you as well.

    Have a nice Sunday.

  2. Tahniah kerana menyimpan benih untuk diri sendiri dan untuk orang lain juga.

  3. Tahniah diana! Can't wait to save my own...

  4. So far I've collected bean and sunflower seeds. This has definitely reminded me that I need to collect some seed from my long cayenne chillies, and the Scotch Bonnets.

  5. hi diana, its like as if all the greens in these pics are new and never seen you post them before.
    And i thought, goodness me, you have so many plant varieties- the ones i have seen before, were more tan 20 varieties i think.
    you sure cannot stay in an apartment.
    ha ha have a nice day

  6. Bagusnya:)insyallah nnt Cm akan melawat "kedai" Diana.

  7. Hi Diana, I love your okra...I tried this year but nothing germinated! Do you do anything to your seeds before sowing?

  8. I save beans on purpose. Dragon tongue and Cherokee wax. Just like your chard, lots of things are nice accidents. If you let them go to seed once, lettuce, onion, parsley, and dill will keep coming up on their own. You have a great weekend too!

  9. Some great photos, Diana! The only seeds I really don't like to grow from self-saved ones are Chillis, because they never run true and you get all sorts of funny hybrids.

  10. "Anonymous" is me Diana - Mark Willis. Still having trouble leaving comments on blogs that use word-verification.

  11. I love saving seed. Chard won't flower for us though. It never survives the winter here.

  12. Congrats, hobi Diana dah berkembang jadi perniagaan! That is a good move.

  13. Tahniah, at least you can earning money from your your sunflower plant!

  14. Cool! Cool! I've never done this so I think these seeds are most cool!

  15. your pictures are all wonderful.You have a great sense of taking picture,I think.
    I especially love the first,third ,seventh ones.
    I feel Your phots are well conposed,sophisticated.very lovely.And your opinions which you are thinking about plants or seeds are really nice, and I sympathize with you.But I am growing plants without thinking :)

  16. wah... selangkah lebih baik... saya suka simpan benih saja buat masa ni... jual belum lagi... biasanya bagi free je pada kawan-kawan yang minta... ;p

  17. Congratulation on your new 'jual jual benih' centre!

  18. i think it's a nice thing to sell some of your seeds , i think a lot of the gardeners here would be very interested.

  19. salam diana... saya sangat seronok melihat benih sayur2 yg diana tanam. saya antara yg dapat kiriman benih yg banyak dari diana dulu. saya nak tau kohlrabi dan swiss chard tu sesuai tak dengan cuaca di malaysia.

  20. Rainfield61~Have a nice weekend!

    Bangchik and Kakdah~Kami cuba simpan macam-macam jenis benih perlahan-lahan.

    Wanie~Good Luck saving your own. It will be an exciting experience.

    Liz~Hope you get around collecting your pepper seeds.

    Cookingvarieties~Yup, I probably can't live in apartment. Or I will keep on trespassing my neighbours territory.

    Cikmanggis~Sila-sila tak berapa banyak lagi yang dapat disenaraikan sebab agak kelam-kabut bulan ni. Fikiran pun serabut.

    Mrs Bok~Its much better to germinate okra in late spring or summer rather than early-midspring. The seeds really needs warm soil to germinate successfully. The seeds rots if the soil is too cold for them. They grow really quick in summer so you probably have a good chance to get some harvest. You have to grow okra in full sun. I don't do anything special with the seeds, its just that if pepper and eggplants can start to germinate outdoors on their own. Then I start to sow okra.

    Kate~That is a wonderful beans you save, those has been in my wishing list of plants that I would like to grow.

    Mark~It can be tricky sometime the seeds are actually hybrid themselves but the company does not mention it. However true heirloom pepper variety ones are very easy to save. It usually stay true even you have other varieties growing together.

  21. Daphne~Oh I never realised that chard is not that frost tolerant. Because I always see your spinach survived through winter.

    Sean L~Sebenarnya nak kumpul modal untuk kebun baru. Sebab tak lama lagi nak tinggal kebun sekarang pastu nak kena buka kebun baru banyak pakai modal...hehehe...

    Sonia~Thanks I always try every year to grow new sunflower variety.

    Tina~It interesting to see so many shapes and texture of seeds.

    Kumittyi~Thanks its fun to shot photos in different settings.

    EjaMaria~Bagi free tu dah biasa dah ada musim. Ni nak minta support untuk buka kebun baru hujung tahun ni ;-).

    Malar~Thanks Malar tapi hujung bulan ni dah tutup kedai dah. Mungkin hujung bulan depan buka sekejap balik lagi.

    Lena~I hope there are gardeners interested;-). Thanks.

    Shafirul Suffian~Swiss chard dari pandangan dan nota saya musim panas kami yang terlampau tempoh lalu hidup dan tiada masalah mengharungi cuaca kering dan suhu melebihi 35 darjah celsius.Cuma nak kena menyiram tiap hari. Kohlrabi pun bila dah berusia 2 atau 3 bulan boleh hidup dengan suhu lebih 30 darjah celsius. Yang penting adalah masa menyemai benih tersebut mesti bukan pada musim ketika musim kemarau atau panas sangat untuk senang benih itu bercambah. Bila tumbuhan ni dah mencapai umur lebih 2 bulan (well-established) biasanya tumbuhan ni sudah boleh tahan suhu average di Malaysia. Sebab musim panas di sini selalunya adalah sangat kering dan lebih panas dari Malaysia.
