
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Selamat Datang (Cordyline Fruticosa)

 If you visit Malaysia you will be welcome by the word 'Selamat Datang' in the national language of Malaysia. If you are visiting our home this plant flower will greet you 'Selamat Datang' first as it is growing next to our front gate greeting our visitors. I thought this plant has only showy reddish and green leaves, surprised me it did when I opened the gate and saw the plant pretty flowers near the front gate this week. The weather in the Klang Valley at the moment is rain every afternoon. We don't have to water the plants at all since we came back.
I am not sure what this plant name is, any tropical plant expert know the name of this plant? I thought it was a croton type plant but when I was googling the croton plant flowers it looks totally different. So perhaps not.
Standing tall in front of our house front gate.
One very tall blooming plant, almost reaching the cable wires.
 This flower stems shows the different stages of how the bloom look like from bud to spent flowers going to seed perhaps (From left to right). I wonder how this plant seeds look like if they are not sterile flowers.


  1. I warmly remember being greeted by 'Selamat Datang' in Malaysia! And love all of your flowers.

  2. Eh, eh, your Cordyline fruticosa is flowering. Lovely colours.

  3. Selamat Datang, in a different way.

  4. cantik bunga ni diana.. dulu pernah tanam semuanya sudah pupus

  5. Those are cordelines, and they are quite a favourite of mine. The best thing is that if you want a new plant - just cut off a branch and stick it into the ground - it will grow. Add a little hormone rooting powder if you want.

  6. Beautiful flowers. What a nice way to say 'welcome.'

  7. selamat datang... cantik dan besar pokoknya kan..mcm pernah nampak..namun tak tahu namalah..heehe

  8. your place is literally bursting with flowers!

  9. When I first went to uni I stayed at residential college and our college newspaper was called Selamat Datang. It was a nice way to be greeted at college and its a lovely way to enter your garden too. Beautiful plant.

  10. MKG,
    I think in your case, it would be more apt to say Selamat Pulang! Mama says you live not that far from us....purrr...meow!

  11. Terima kasih for your Selamat Datang! (or something like that...) You probably know that I was born in Ipoh and I remember a few odd words of Bahasa Malaysia. I sometimes amuse myself by trying to figure out the meaning of some of the comments left on your blog by Malaysian people.

  12. pokok ni berbunga rupanya ye.. cantik sangat! u dah blk ke malaysia for good ke?

  13. Lanie~ Thanks Lanie. Yes you will certainly be warm welcome with 'Selamat Datang'.

    Sean~ Terima kasih always helping me out ID plants. I baru perasan pokok ni banyak sekarang majlis perbandaran buat cantikkan landscape. I asyik tak keluar dari compound rumah terperap hehehe...

    Rainfield61~ ;).

    Donnyien~ Kena pupus, what happened?

    Sue~ I noticed the bloom before the plants actually.

    Africanaussie~Thanks for the propagation top :).

    GoSS~ Silent welcome can be charming sometime I reckon ;).

    UmmuAidan~Samalah kita, kalau bukan pertolongan kawan blogger memang tak tahu namanya.

    Wendy~ Its raining season at the moment and some plants really appreciate the mild weather.

    Liz~What an interesting name for a newspaper :).

    Cat-from-Sydney~Ya ya ya kita dah duduk tak jauh kan...

    Mark~ Yeah I already guess you did ;). I do the same as well if I found comments in Japanese since I stayed there for some time.

    MaDiHaA~ Ya dah balik Msia for good :).
