
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Touchstone Gold Beetroot

 I bought Touchstone Gold beetroot seeds last year spring but planted the seeds this year autumn and harvested the roots early spring ago. This is just an observation note of this beetroot variety for future reference as I still have several varieties of beetroot seeds waiting to be sowed stashed in my seed box. The name does make me think that it is a yellow golden root beetroot that we anticipated to harvest. The globe storage root skins is lighter shade of red, though with yellow-green leave stalks.
It is easy to differentiate the Touchstone gold beetroot seedling plants compared to other more common red beetroot that are available in the market. Although it might get mistaken as yellow coloured leave stems Swiss Chard.
Always forever forgetting to thin the seedlings (laziness is more honest), thinnings have already started to form roots but if you have plenty of space to grow edibles, you can still transplant them somewhere in the garden. Beetroot can be merciful in transplanting and not as fragile/tricky as carrot or parsnip seedlings.
  I found that Touchstone Gold beetroot does not grow much during Adelaide winter but does pick up growth again when the weather becomes warmer in spring. Does not flower quickly like rainbow chard if over-wintered.
 This is the reason why the name is attached with the 'gold' word, as can be seen the root flesh is golden yellow and some rings can be seen in the beetroot. This beetroot does not bleed like the red ones. The taste is mild and you might prefer this one if you don't have a sweet tooth.


  1. Must admit we have tried different coloured beetroot but tend to prefer the red variety,

    For a ornamental kitchen garden though they would look good,

  2. I'm so glad I came to your blog today. I bought some gold beetroots and we really love them roasted. I also bought seeds but didn't get them planted because I can't find them! (Story of my life.) Maybe in the spring?

    I am especially pleased that you posted so many pictures. I'm a very new gardener and need all the help I can get!

  3. hi diana, never seen this golden yellow beetroot before- in the supermarket of course.
    they look very appetizing too.
    .. good harvest for you.

  4. thank you, like my site. Nice blog.

  5. Your gold beets are gorgeous. I love to combine the gold and red in a beet salad, so pretty together.

  6. nice color ..golden..i bet the taste also as good as gold..mcm radish jgk nampaknya...

  7. hai Diana... good morning :)

    i never try this before.. sadap ka Touchstone Gold Beetroot ini ar..

  8. Glad to see them doing well for you. Always nice when you can transplant rather than lose them.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  9. Glad to see them doing well for you. Always nice when you can transplant rather than lose them.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  10. Personally I prefer the flavour of the red ones - but then I guess i have something of a sweet tooth.

  11. They did so well and left you with so much good memory.

  12. What a pretty colored beet! It seems that gold is everywhere right now and it's funny that we both chose to write about that color this week!

  13. I really enjoy that you post about specific varieties of veggies. This helps me to know what to expect if I plant that specific variety. It is often much better coming from another gardener than from a gardening catalogue!

  14. I tried a yellow beetroot last year, but I wasn't impressed. They seemed less vigorous than the traditional red varieties, producing a smaller yield of less tasty roots. The only good point was the interesting colour. For me, this was an experiment I won't repeat.

  15. Sue ~ Yes the red ones are much sweeter. Just the bleeding and colouring to sweeten up food will make it look bloody.

    Pooks~Hope you found your seeds now. Happy to know the pic helps.

    Cookingvarieties~ It makes it more fun to grow food that you can't get easily at the market.

    Etuza~ Thanks for visiting.

    Norma ~Yes the gold and red beet will make a very nice combination.

    UmmuAidan~Lain dari radish daunnya berwarna terang dan lain tak seperti radish yang hijau sahaja daunnya. Daun Beet root juga very glossy berbanding dengan radish.

    Donnyien~ Bolehlah kalau suka makan sayur.

    Cher~Yes and not just for transplanting but can add to salad.

    Liz~ If I don't have potato, I substitute this beetroot into chicken simmer with soy sauce.

    Rainfield61~Definitely sweet memory and hope to grow them again here.

    Kate~What a good connection we have.

    Jay~Same plant name may have so many different variety with different characteristic even tomatoes.

    Daphne~Make me feel rich with 'gold' ;).

    Mark~The yellow ones seems to like warmer weather to grow well.
