
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Scarlet Passion Flower

 I did not realised on my mother's pergola, two type of passiflora made their home there until finally the scarlet passion flower made a debut. The other passiflora species also has very showy flowers.  However, the late bloomer is shockingly scarlet when it made a showy entrance from afar one of the pergola corner seems to be in blaze (probably exaggerated too much).
At the centre of the flower, forms very tiny fruit not as big or palatable like the other passiflora. These two passiflora has very different shape of leaves which makes it easy to differentiate when both are not in flower. The red ants like to play around the scarlet passion flower. Don't be alarm the red ants are like bodyguards not a pest unlike other type of ants that host aphids.
 Each string of stems fill with buds. But on the same string of stem the bud does not bloom at once. Instead they opened one by one making the blooming season long and if you miss them or away, you still have a chance to enjoy them.


  1. Lovely blazing red colour. Love this passiflora.

  2. Beautiful choice. Love the bright red.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  3. Wow, its very colourful and exotic looking; very pretty.

  4. Wow! I've never seen a red passiflora yet! It's absolutely stunning!

  5. Gorgeous color. Did not know there is a red color also.

  6. That passion flower is gorgeous! Love the red. I don't think we can grow that here. It is amazing!

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. cantiknyer ... red color lagi tu !

  9. Gorgeous flower! It almost looks unreal it is so exotic and dramatic in appearance. Nature is amazing in it's beauty and complexity.

  10. That's stunning! I used to grow passiflora in the UK just for the flowers. Not the scarlet ones though they need much warmer weather than the UK can provide.

  11. That's certainly an eye-catching flower - are the leaves evergreen?

  12. I love this exotic flower too. I've taken photos of them several months back and intend to a post later.

  13. Wow! they look so intricate and beautiful. Hey, read your comment about you guys. I wish you all the best. That's one of the main reason why I want to become self-sustainable; I have to be prepared for the rainy days in this world's economy and situation.

  14. So these passiflora must be very generous for we can enjoy them again and again.

  15. The flower makes my eyes go wider ;-) I have always like passiflora flowers and especially this red one. The colour is so vivid and the black 'eyelashes' are so obvious. Interesting!

  16. cantiknya bunga itu merah menyala dari jauh

  17. assalamualaikum..
    thanks untuk ucapan itu ya... :) windunya laman sini.. dah lama tak masuk... :) cantek bunga warna merah tu..

  18. What a gorgeous flower! Love the beautiful colour!

  19. Sean, Kesuma Angsana, Rainfield61, Stephanie, Suri, Joyce~ Walaupun sibuk ke sana sini mesti stop jenguk bila nampak bunga ni.

    Cher, Kelli, Dewberry, Norma Chang,GoSS, KitsapFG~ It is really blazing red. Noticeable even faraway.

    Liz~ The passiflora flowers are really breathtaking. Worth to just grow for the flowers.

    Sue~ Yes the leaves are evergreen here in the tropics.

    Stiletto~ Would love to see how they grow in your garden too.

    KL~Thank you for the best wishes. Food can never replace money. We need food to live.

    JaSSNaNi~ Waalaikumsalam. Sama-sama mesti sibuk dengan baby comei kan.
