Monday, November 14, 2011

Green Beans with Sesame Sauce

We harvested all over-wintered parsnip and carrots grown in container last week. Those carrot root centre/core are about to be woody so it was better to harvested all of them. We also harvested some broccoli. Yellow currant cherry tomatoes plants from last year starts to be so generous with producing many tomatoes now. I was very amazed to observe that the number of fruits dangling on the plant at the moment surpassed last year peak season of this plant. On top of that the fruit size were bigger as well. Beans were becoming a constant thing on the kitchen table.
A very fast healthy dish to prepare with beans last weekend was a basic classic Japanese home-cooking dish which is green beans with sesame sauce. I got this recipe from chef Yoshihiro Murata's Japanese Home Cooking with Master Chef Murata cooking book. It took less than 15 minutes to prepare this dish.
Green Beans with Sesame Sauce
170g young green beans cut into ~4cm (cook in boiling water with a pinch of salt until tender but still crisp, shock in cold water and drain)
Sesame dressing:
1 Tbsp toasted sesame seeds
1 tsp soy sauce (because I prefer strong taste or 'koi aji' I used 3 tsp soy sauce)
1 tsp sugar

Chop the sesame seeds with a knife (I did not chopped the sesame seeds) and combine with soy sauce and sugar in a medium bowl to make sesame sauce. Dress the green beans with the sauce.

The first harvest of Lebanese eggplant for this spring from our 2 years old plant. Asian leaf green like red choi were also harvested and it ain't look pretty. The poppy flower stalk can even go through the holes on the leaves.
This spring I have not started to sow any leaf amaranth seeds. However, we have many volunteers growing in different containers that we even got a bunch of leaf amarant harvest last week. Last weekend we harvested one of the last cauliflowers for this year for us.


tina said...

It looks so good and healthy.

cikmanggis said...

tak pernah masak guna bijam macam ni.Pasti sedap sebab bijan sangat wangi bila di tumis.

Mark Willis said...

Do you like the yellow currant tomatoes? I grew a variety called "Currant Goldrush", and although it produced masses of fruit (like yours) I found the skins were very tough. Are yours like that?

Mr. H. said...

Hey, we both harvest our parsnips and carrots about the same time...except yours are from winter and mine from a summer garden.:) That recipe sounds like something I would enjoy, I am going to add it to our collectuon and look forward to trying it in the future.

kitsapFG said...

That green bean with sesame sauce sounds absolutely wonderful. I am going to save this for next summer when I have fresh green beans to cook up.

Barbie~ said...

That dish sounds wonderul. Your baskets are diverse and beautiful!!

Mary Hysong said...

How I love the internet; you seem to be starting your spring time and I am beginning my winter; how fun. Your green bean recipe sounds good, I will have to remember that one next summer when the beans come in.

Lee said...

Hi, I love your pictures, so sharp and clear. Outstanding! And very creative photography too.
That green beans with sesame sauce looks real good too.
You have a nice day and keep a song in your heart.

Norma Chang said...

Lovely collection of healthy looking vegetables. I do not have many varieties to harvest now, slowly putting the gardens to bed for the winter.

Lou Murray's Green World said...

What a great treatment for green beans. If I get any more green beans from my southern California garden this year, I will give this recipe a try.

Phoebe said...

Thanks Diana! I will try that recipe! It looks great.
I always find your Harvest Monday posts inspiring!

my name as... said...

cantik basket tuh... teringat masa tgh meroyan main farmville...

Jody said...

Thanks for the green bean recipe. We have lots of beans in the freezer. It will come in handy this winter!

Melissa said...

What a fantastic harvest!!! I have eggplant envy!

Unknown said...

Simple recipe..sedap tak? nnt boleh try..:) kalau tumis jd kacang goreng kicap hehehe

great harvest anyway...those featured veggies,byk yg i tak penah try lg...:)

Sunray Gardens said...

Everything looks wonderful you have going right now.
Cher Sunray Gardens
Goldenray Yorkies

Liz said...

Thats fabulous that you have eggplant already! I have one plant that made it through winter but its a long way from producing. I really like the sound of that bean dish - if only I had some beans....

Sue Garrett said...

I like the poppies in amongst the vegetables very pretty!

Malar said...

SOunds like tasty! I shall try out!

Cat-from-Sydney said...

Mama usually uses this recipe using okra. Sedappppp.....!!! Learnt from her Obasan, she said. purrrr...meow!

Stephanie said...

I went to the market today and the vege I bought don't even look as good as yours. You have fantastic green thumb!! That green bean recipe sounds good... will try. Thanks for sharing :-D

James David said...

nice beans with sesame.
I bet it taste delicious.

Sue Catmint said...

that bean recipe is simple to make and sounds delish. I'll try it but unfortunately not with self harvested beans. Your harvest looks great.

Unknown said...

I do a similar recipe and the french beans taste delicious.

cookingvarieties said...

hi and how are you.. looks like you still harvesting many more.
wow, a surprise recipe here. looks delicious when prepared in simple way.

Lrong Lim said...

Looks delicious, the sesame sauce and beans....

Jennifer@threedogsinagarden said...

Parsnips are so delicious. I am the only one in the family who likes them though, so I don't get to serve them as often as I would like. The mix of green beans and sesame seeds sounds delicious. I love nuts in salads, so I am sure i would like them on my beans too.

Urban Gardens said...

Looks really yummy! :)


kumittyi said...

Hi!How are you? Your blog is really lovely.I love gardening fishing,too.
I sometimes cook "gomaae"(green beans with sesame sauce) with spinaches instead of green beens.

Quay Po Cooks said...

what a good idea to pair sesame with green beans.

kitchen flavours said...

Your green bean looks delicious with the sesame seeds! Your harvest are all great, especially the broccoli and cauliflower! The sweet crunchy celery seeds you gave me, I gave some to my sis. Her plants are doing well! They are about 12" high. My seedlings all died, I will have to try again!
Thanks Diana!

rainfield61 said...

I am very late to sow a seed over here this time.

Hope that you still have some green beans with sesame sauce for me.

School Of Tots said...

Looks good. Healthy stuff.

Ali said...

Oh thanks so much for the beans in sesame sauce recipe - it sounds exactly like a recipe I have been looking for! I have tons of green beans at the moment too, and it's always great to have more recipes.

petite nyonya said...

with all your prolific garden produce, i bet you have stopped going to the markets for veggies :). amazing!!

JGH said...

My husband is looking for a recipe for green beans. How perfect that I came here today! Yum.

lena said...

i'm reading with admiration with such good harvests that you're getting. Sounds like the harvests are better than last year? thanks for sharing this bean recipe. simple and i do think they are sweet and tasty!