Feeling stress or depressed? This plant has chemical properties that will enhance your mood to relax and stimulate your emotion to feel good again. Our rose geranium plants starts to bloom end of winter through spring if we frequently prune spent blooms.
A very drought tolerant plant.
Grows very well in pots.
Plants dislike wet feet.
Must grow in very well-drained soil.
Good companion for certain fruit tree.
Easy to grow new plants by cuttings.
Propagate new plants at the end of summer.
Rose geranium oil uses:Aromatheraphy, anti-depressant, anti-septic, mosquito repellent, get rid of ticks, anti-inflammatory and used to control bleeding.
(Caution: Not suitable for pregnant woman, seek doctor advise)
Other application includes (from wikipidea):
Natural insect repellent, Cake ingredients (flowers and leaves), Jam and jellies ingredient (flowers and leaves), Ice creams and Sorbets ingredients (flower and leaves), Salad ingredients (flowers), Dietery supplement (Methylhexaneamine), Sugar flavoring (leaves).
A page on the website that have many interesting recipe to use your rose geranium for cooking-link.
When touching the plant, the scent of it is so strong that it lingers on your hand for a while. At the moment, rose geranium is an ornamental plant at our garden. Hope one day, I will try some of the useful benefits of this plants or use it in cooking.
Have a nice weekend!

A beautiful, beneficial plant.
I have heard about and used the Rose geranium products, but never grown one before. The flowers are really lovely. I like the shape of the leaves too.
Lovely markings on the rose geranium! I had no idea about its side benefits! Fascinating post!
I love making tea from my Geranium I usually have a jug of it in a day. Soon I will have to move it so thankyou for the advice about taking cuttings now.
Lovely flowers...
plenty mangoes in Queensland, what about Adeliade?
This geranium, is it the same as citronella? I used to grow them as they are supposed to repell mosquitoes, but thye die easily before I have flowers.
I have e frind in Greece who has the same passion. Her neme is Dani - http://jurnaldegradina.blogspot.com
Sorry - a friend, and her name is..
WE grew quite a few of these scented geraniums ages ago but I never realised they had so many uses - to me they just smelled nice!
I may need to sow some seeds of the rose in my soul in order to keep me always in a good mood.
Hi MKg, many thanks for the beautiful giant purple mustard plants images. i have just published them with my Rhyming recipe on bread.
Do visit ok :)
i wish geranium can be grown over here in kl... considering its many health benefits and fragrant smell.. and so beautiful as well.great if you try cook and eat them
I love those rose scented geraniums. I need one here for sure for those days things just get crazy.
I did not know the medicinal qualities of this plant...fascinating. We have never grown this type of geranium before, I really like the foliage.
beautiful captures as always. I LOVE the pink.. :))
So beautiful!
Pink hat, have a great weekend!
They have a wonderful smell. I have lots of them in the garden, especially in the areas that my husband likes to sit. Mosquitos love him and the rose geraniums help keep them away. They've been slow growers - everything in the hills seems to grow slow tho.
That's really nice to know that geraniums are not just beautiful but capable of enhancing mood as well.
The flowers of this geranium is fascinating. Love the fact that the plant can be used for cooking. Happy gardening and cooking and have a great Sunday!
Very pretty. I love the smell of geraniums. Btw, selamat ahri raya aidiladha to you and your fam.
heard abt the benefits of this rose geranium and will be looking forward to your post realted to it. If we cut the flowers and keep it in the house, i guess they give a very nice smell..right?
Hi Diana, I'm so pleased you wrote this post. I recently bought 2 little rose geranium plants because I was looking for something tough and trouble free to fill a couple of gaps. I didn't know all that other stuff, now i am going to cut the flowers and leaves and keep them inside in a vase. I'd like to try the flowers in a salad - thanks for that link. cheers, catmint
The rose geranium is really pretty, good tips on its uses.
Gardener on Sherlock Street~ I just realised I had a beneficial plant growing in my garden when I did some research to write about this plant.
Autumn Belle~I was ignorant not knowing I had rose geranium growing in my garden after a year later when I asked help for identification.
Genma~The markings on the bloom really make the bloom more attractive.
Cathy~Oh please share with me how you make your tea from geranium.
Enzo~Bees love this flowers.
Ann~I don't think we have local SA grown mango here. The weather not very fitting to grow them. Sorry, I am not sure whether geranium is the same as citronella.
Anastasia~ It is always lovely to befriend with people that have the same interest. I will visit Dani soon. Thank you so much for the introduction.
Sue~Well I only knew this benefits yesterday after growing them for 3 years. Neglected, they grow very well in our climate here. I would not know what plant it is if you have not help me to identify it last year!
Rainfield61~I think I should bring one leaf with me each day to school.
Cookingvarieties~No worries. It is one of the plants that in my list to learn how to use it.
Tina~I am going to propagate some more next fall.
Mr. H~It does have an interesting shape of leaves.
Marilyn~I like the pink colour too.
Chubskulit~Will come and see your pink hat.
Judith~Oh Mosquitos likes me too. If I am there, everyone will be safe from mosquitos attack. I think I should try to plant more geraniums.
Kwee Peng~I been spending more times on the corner of our garden that has geranium growing;-).
Stephanie~I hope I will be adventerous enough to try eating it. I can't still have a go with edible flowers.
Shaz~Thank you. It was a lovely day spending time with family. Hope you had a great weekend too.
Lena~Maybe keep the nyamuk away from indoors too. Safer than using spraykiller.
Catmint~Happy that it was useful to you. I did not realised the benefit of growing this plant. But it is a very hardy plant and suitable for our climate here.
Kelli~I finally know which plant I can use to get away from mosquitoes when I garden outside. I have some growing in pots so I can move it around.
Thank you for the post. I'm so glad I decided to participate in Pink Saturday again because I found your blog! Rose Geranium is one of my favorite essential oils. Have a wonderful week.
Hugs, LisaKay
Belles Roses
Lisa~I just realised that I have a benificial plant after growing them for more than 2 years. Have a wonderful week too.
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