Monday, December 30, 2013

Last Harvest Monday 2013

 Yesterday, I decided to do a last posting for Harvest Monday 2013 since it has been a while we joined in at Daphne's Dandelions. Usually it is raining on the afternoon here as we are in the Monsoon season. Therefore limited time to get a lot of the 'task to do' be ticked off on the list. We rarely get to take pictures of the harvest now as it has always been a rush or me harvesting while cooking dashing in and out from the kitchen to the kebun. Here is an overview of some goods that we were able to harvest yesterday. Malabar spinaches, winged bean, various long-yard beans, and lemons. We also have cotton bolls to harvest from the garden. Instead of using tissues we can used organic cotton bolls as wipers.
 Sapodilla (ciku), and canistel fruit trees are always so generous producing all year round. In the land below the wind, Sabah state, there are many fans of canistel fruit which makes the market price at the moment according to our mother surveys RM8.00 per-kilogram (If you are interested you are welcome to contact us, too many for our small family). Occasionally we get pamelo or guava fruits from the backyard. The tree that produce tangerine-like fruit which my mother sowed from seeds from her hometown has also started it fruiting season.
 The native fruit tree called nam nam (fruit looks like brain), also never stopped producing. Many first-timers told us that the ripe ones tasted a bit like pear when we shared some.
 The passion fruit are ripening on the tree. 
 November and December months are rambutan season every year in our place. This year most of the rambutan trees bear fruits a lot. We have more than 5 rambutan trees fruiting happily.
 Cempedak is also very generous this month. 'Cempedak' is a relative to jackfruit but a smaller version of it. People like to make cempedak fritters like banana fritters from the yellow flesh that covers the seeds, a popular tea snack.
 We also have some Pulasan fruits to enjoy (a squirrel left a mark on the pulasan fruit in above photo). Pulasan is a relative to 'Rambutan'. Can you notice the difference of the hairstyle between 'Pulasan' and 'Rambutan'. 'Rambut' in Malay Language is 'hair', while 'Pulas' in Malay Language is 'twist'.

Happy New Year!


Annie's Journal said...

Diana, What a very fruitful garden:) Wishing you and your family a very blessed new year2014...and remain fruitful as always!

Sue Garrett said...

Many many fruits here are new to me - maybe you can tell us more about them in later posts.

Mark Willis said...

It's good to see you back posting about fruit and veg, Diana! And Oh, I would like so much to have a Rambutan tree in my garden! When I lived in Malaysia as a child, my favourite fruits were Rambutan, Mangosteen and Lychee. These are only very rarely available where I live, and they are never in prime condition when you do buy them.

Unknown said...

It's so nice to see harvests of things I have never grown before!! Beautiful pictures!!

MaDiHaA a.k.a Ratna said...

wow... seronok tgk hasil kebun!
pulasan tu feberet suami & mak akak.. bulan ni saja dah beli 3 kali pulasan... sekali beli mesti 3 kg! hehe..

lena said...

looks like you got lots of fruits to eat! also here wishing you a wonderful and a fruitful year 2014!

Michelle said...

What a wonderful abundance of fruit. And such exotic beauties to this temperate climate gardener. Have a happy new year!

Anonymous said...

Wow, so many fruits I've never seen before and would love to taste. Please tell us about their taste and texture.

Anonymous said...

From where I came from, the Pulasan fruit is called Ronggitom.

Happy new year 2014. Best of wishes.

Endah Murniyati said...

Wah, panennya luar biasa banyaknya. Senangnya punya halaman luas dan banyak tanaman. Halaman rumahku sangat sempit, cuma ada 1 pohon rambutan yang baru belajar berbuah. tanaman lain tumbuh di pot. Tanaman koleksi kita banyak yang sama. Senangnya bisa follow blog ini

Daphne Gould said...

I so love your posts. They really show some of the different fruit that we don't see in our area.

Liz said...

I love seeing the variety you get from your garden and its lovely to see things that I would never know of otherwise. I like the look of the nam nam in particular.

Anonymous said...

Wah bestnyer,... Maaf lama x jenguk, kesihatan x mengizinkan. Singgah jgk ari ni !

Sunray Gardens said...

That's still a lot to get for your last harvest. You have such a big variety of what you put out each year.
Cher Sunray Gardens

Stephanie said...

Happy New Year Malay-Kadazan girls!! I hope this year will bring lots of happiness and good health to you and your family. It is so good to see fruits like these growing and growing so healthily in the garden. You have the best fruits (not farm ones) and they look super juicy and yummy :-P

Kelli said...

Looks like you have lots of lovely fruit. Very pretty shapes and colours.

James David said...

It is indeed a bountiful harvest.
Some of the fruits are so strange and not familiar to me.
Great to have the varieties of fruits to enjoy with the family.

Have a wonderful New Year!

marinahunny said...

Mak aiii bnyk nye buah2an. ... buah nam nam tu kami panggil buah katak puru. Duku tu sedapnyeeee

rainfield61 said...

I got a handful of passion fruits from my garden.

Kancil 8349 said...

nice ...Happy New Year

Awin said...

mmg bahagia tukang kebun tak perlu keluar duit nak makan fruits. semua ada di kebun. alhamdulillah

David Velten said...


It is so nice to see your posts again. Your photos are beautiful and it gives me a little view of a world totally different from mine. We have a few of your fruits like pomelo, guava and passion fruit but the rest are totally new to me. Please keep posting when you can.

KL said...

The benefit of living in a tropical country. I remember all the fruits that I grew up feasting on. Only mango and coconut from that list is available here in the US. Nothing else :-(. Oh! I love fruits and feeling hungry looking at your pictures.

Fay Jesselton said...

So big your pulutan dear...

BTW, looking at the pics make me drooling. Ciku mmg mahal T_T

Malar said...

That's great harvest! You must have a big garden of fruits! Cempedak fritter is my favourite!

rumah dijual di surabaya said...
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rumah dijual di surabaya said...

nice post....

rumah dijual di surabaya said...

nice post....

Jody said...

Missing you.

Ismail N said...

Geramnya tengok pulasan tu! Sudah 16 tahun saya duduk di Sabah, tapi x pernah nmpk pokok pulasan. Tapi ada juga dijual bila musim - mgkn import dr Semenanjung.

Anonymous said...

The canistel fruit is the one with the yellow color, and tapering at one end? And, so many types of fruits you have!

Malay-Kadazan girl said...

Simple Living,

Hope we have many fruit season this year too.


Hopefully will introduce some of the fruits in more detail later.


Fruit posting will be more in the new garden now since we have several varieties of fruit plants in the backyard. Yes import fruits are not as tasty as the one prime in season in its native place.

Karrie Jablonoowski,

Glad you enjoy looking at things not easily seen in your corner.

Kak Madiha,

Saya pun lebih suka makan pulasan berbanding dengan rambutan.


Thank you Lena. End of the year usually are fruiting season here. Hopefully will be the same this year.


We also trying to have a go at some temperate fruits and veggies here in this tropical garden.


I will try to describe the texture and taste too next time.

De engineur,

Ya ronggitom lama tak dengar that word.

Malay-Kadazan girl said...

Endah Murniyati,

Dulu kebun lama ruang kami pun sempit tidak dapat tanam pokok buah-buahan. Sekarang ni kami menumpang di rumah ibubapa saya.

Daphne Gould,

Some of them are also available as can fruit.


Some people are put off when looking at the nam nam shape. But the taste is actually very nice when the fruits is fully ripen.

Kesuma Angsana,

Moga dah sihat doannya.


With different produce each months make us not get bored and ready to go out to the garden.


Well the fruits usually done look picture perfect in our kebun but safe to eat.


Lots of natural vitamin for us during fruit season.

James Missier,

Some of the local native fruits is getting extinct as many are craving for imported ones nowadays.


Buah katak puru nampak macam otak pun ada ;).


This year our markisa has been producing non-stop compared to last year.


Selamat Hari Guru,


Bolehlah jimat duit dan tak membazir. Bila beli selalu tak makan habis.

David Velten,

Thank you for your kind words. I too like to see what you grow in you world.

Malay-Kadazan girl said...


Mango and coconut are more popular than the others I guess so it is more available than the others.

Fay Jesselton,

Dalam gambar nampak besar. Saiz biasa-biasa je dear.


Same here our favourite too.


Mising you too.

Ismail N,

Ada tapi tak banyak ditanam di sana berbanding dengan Semenanjung Malaysia barangkali.

LrongLim Sensei,

Yes the canistel fruit is yellow and tapering at one end like mango.

Malay-Kadazan girl said...


Mango and coconut are more popular than the others I guess so it is more available than the others.

Fay Jesselton,

Dalam gambar nampak besar. Saiz biasa-biasa je dear.


Same here our favourite too.


Mising you too.

Ismail N,

Ada tapi tak banyak ditanam di sana berbanding dengan Semenanjung Malaysia barangkali.

LrongLim Sensei,

Yes the canistel fruit is yellow and tapering at one end like mango.

Malay-Kadazan girl said...


Mango and coconut are more popular than the others I guess so it is more available than the others.

Fay Jesselton,

Dalam gambar nampak besar. Saiz biasa-biasa je dear.


Same here our favourite too.


Mising you too.

Ismail N,

Ada tapi tak banyak ditanam di sana berbanding dengan Semenanjung Malaysia barangkali.

LrongLim Sensei,

Yes the canistel fruit is yellow and tapering at one end like mango.